
Find a Clean Beach to Cool Down At

With summer in full swing, many among us will be heading to a body of water, where cooling off is just a splash away. But do you know what the water quality is at your favorite vacation spot? Us neither. Luckily, the ever-resourceful folks at the NRDC have done the work for us. NRDC’s 2012 report on water quality at beaches around the US is a useful guide, not only for vacationers looking for a place to relax, but for policymakers looking to improve things.

If you’re wondering whether you really need to be concerned with water quality at beaches, consider this:

Exposure to bacteria, viruses and parasites in contaminated beachwater can cause a wide range of diseases, including ear, nose and eye infections, stomach flu, hepatitis, encephalitis, skin rashes, and respiratory illnesses. Most waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States occur during the summer, when Americans are most likely to be exposed to contaminated beachwater.

The answer, then, is yes.

For a quick reference, check out the Guide to Finding a Clean Beach or the ratings of popular beaches around the US.

Happy vacationing!

(via Treehugger)

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