
Puma’s Clever Little Bag

As part of its footprint reduction project, Puma commissioned Yves Behar of fuseproject to create a new packaging system for Puma shoes. The result is a revolution in showbox design.

Using 65% less paper than a traditional shoebox, the "Clever Little Bag" is a cardboard stock frame wrapped in reusable shoe bag. The packaging has no laminated printing, no tissue paper, requies less space and weighs less in shipping, and replaces the plastic retail bag.

If the company reports are to be believed, the environmental benefits will be staggering: approximately 8,500 tons less paper consumed, 20 million Megajoules of electricity saved, 1 million liters less fuel oil used, and 1 million liters of water conserved. Ease of transport will save 500,000 liters of fuel and replacing traditional shopping bags the difference in weight will save almost 275 tons of plastic.

All told, the green benefits translate to a huge 60% reduction in water, energy, and diesel consumption per year.

Now that's thinking outside the box.

(Via Telegraph)

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