
Seabed Sculptures by Jason deCaires Taylor

Jason de Caires Taylor’s underwater sculptures serve a dual purpose. Not only do the figures and busts attract human admirers, but they also serve as habitat for marine life. Constructed from concrete and steel, the sculptures are bolted to the ocean floor where they act as artifical reefs that offer “an ideal habitat for filter feeding organisms.”  

The British artist’s various projects provide homes for a number of species, including peacock flounder, juvenile striped parrot fish, banded coral shrimp, and fire worms. Located in clear, shallow waters, they can be viewed easily by divers and snorkelers.

Never impervious to the power of the ocean, Taylor’s interventions shift and change according to environmental forces. Grace Reef, his first project, was destroyed by a hurricane. But that ephemerality is part of the point of the his work, which interacts with the ocean in surprising ways.

Above is a modest selection of Taylor’s underwater art. For more pictures as well as details on each project, visit his website.  

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