
Surreal Google Earth Images

As an artist, Clement Valla says he’s interested in “processes that produce unfamiliar artifacts and skew reality.” These Google Earth images, generated when he zoomed in at just the right angle, are just that. Like digitized Dali landscapes, Postcards from Google Earth depict melting, collapsed bridges and roads. The concept is extra poignant given the surreal events taking place in Japan right now.  

Here’s Valla’s description:

The images are screenshots from Google Earth with basic color adjustments and cropping. I am collecting these new typologies as a means of conservation–as Google Earth improves its 3D models, its terrain, and its satellite imagery, these strange, surrealist depictions of our built environment and its relation to the natural landscape will disappear in favor of better illusionistic imagery.

(via Gizmodo)

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