
Adam Magyar: Squares

In in Squares project, Hungarian photographer Adam Magyar presents us with imaginary top-down views of people in the city. The images, created from hundreds of different pictures captured using custom-built photographic equipment, allow viewers to consider the pace and volume of modern urban living.

Squares is a series of non-existent urban places,” he writes. “I created fake aerial photos and city vertigos by sequencing the same section of sidewalks and meticulously assembling collections of people.”

The project is part of Magyar’s broad artistic investigations into nature and technology, work that forces us to reconsider the perception that “nature” and “humanity” are somehow separate entities. Cities, by his reckoning, are indeed part of nature — places that people naturally gravitate towards to satisfy our hunger for knowledge and communication.

“We are born,” he writes, “we live and die both as individuals and as tiny particles in our man-created structures, may we call that the city or the society. I find this duality fascinating and intriguing enough to continue exploring its different dimensions.”

(h/t Faith is Torment)


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