
The psychological legacy of our survival instincts that lead us to feel better when we are in contact with nature is the basis of biophilic design, which is being used increasingly in architecture, from airports to urban spaces to businesses.
7 minute read
This compact home at the base of the Andes Mountains is a breath of fresh air
8 minute read
Wind Turbines in China
Giant wind turbine rises up to 70 floors and occupies 9 football fields Chinese energy company MingYang has announced the creation of its next flagship offshore wind turbine, MySE 18.X-28X.
4 minute read
Eric Ripert at Le Bernardin is the first chef in New York City to be cooking with Nature’s Fynd, which is not seafood at all, but a protein fermented from an extremophilic fungal microbe (Fusarium strain flavolapis or “yellow stone,” nicknamed Fy) discovered by NASA-funded scientists in an acidic hot spring in Yellowstone National Park.
24 minute read
It’s often the smallest room in our homes, but it’s also the room which has the biggest environmental impact on our Earth and oceans.
6 minute read
The Giza pyramids are the dramatic backdrop for a new installation by anonymous Spanish artist SpY. Inspired by Egyptian symbolism and mathematics.
3 minute read
Aquatic animation for a bright, bubbly track by Sally Seltmann
Turn fire into electricity with BioLite's award-winning stove. Patented combustion technology creates a vortex of smokeless flames for a portable campfire that can cook your meals and charge your gear, all at the same time. Leave the gas canisters behind and unlock the potential of the sticks and twigs around you.