
No Bailout for the Biosphere

Agreements to bail out banks happen in days - but we still don't have a deal to bail out the planet
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No Bailout for the Biosphere

Agreements to bail out banks happen in days - but we still don't have a deal to bail out the planet

Corporations Corrupt Congress

Bill McKibben's LA Times op-ed laments the influence of corporate donations on lawmakers

What's Behind the Failure of UN's Climate Process

Earth Institute's Steven Cohen breaks it down

Huntsman Gets Sketchy on Climate Change

The liberals' favorite conservative reverses stance on global warming, saying the science is "not enough" for U.S. action

Eco and Health Advocates Weigh in on Farm Bill

Legislative delay means there's time for revisions

The Clash's Paul Simonon Arrested for Oil Rig Occupation

Rock star went undercover with Greenpeace to protest Arctic drilling

Future of the Gulf

It's time for Washington to make good on its promise to restore the Gulf Coast

What Makes a City Sustainable?

Planners need to acknowledge the history, geography and diversity of cities, says renowned urban thinker

U.N. Warns of Consequences of Climate Change Inaction

Conflict over resources could cause global instability, says U.N. official

House Republicans Are Blowing It

With debt crisis looming, the GOP takes aim at environmental regs