
Vik Muniz's meticulously crafted collages.
2 minute read
Thirty years of work on the African continent have carried Carol Beckwith and Angela Fisher through remote corners of 40 countries
Ten-year project chronicles the world's cities from above
3 minute read
Meet the author, anthropologist and explorer who helped curate the 'no strangers' exhibition
German photographer Michael Poliza traveled by helicopter to capture the extraordinary landscapes of the Rift Valley in Kenya and Ethiopia from the air
1 minute read
Flowing bamboo building references the anatomy of a manta ray
2 minute read
These watery photographs portray Venice as you've never seen it before
2 minute read
Why California's Proposition 37 should matter to anyone who cares about food
3 minute read
Norwegian artist illuminates the forest
1 minute read
Fifty years since it was first published, 'Silent Spring' is remembered as the book that started the environmental movement
1 minute read