
Stop-motion and digital collage combine in this excellent video for an upbeat Aussie rock jam
Site-specific trash installations challenge viewer to consider humanity's impact on the natural world
1 minute read
A plant-wrapped studio retreat in the Italian Alps
2 minute read
Utterly amazing Google Earth screen caps
1 minute read
This lovely holiday retreat on the Isle of Skye is elevated to minimize impact on the environment
1 minute read
Aussie photographer hits the road, returns with nice pictures
1 minute read
French photographer superimposes rural night skies on the world's greatest metropoles
2 minute read
Thought-provoking aerial photos of suburban development in America
1 minute read
Conceptual photographer mixes natural and manmade elements to explore humanity's effect on the planet
2 minute read
British photographer explores the hydrogical cycle with "cameraless" images of water
2 minute read