
Brooklyn artist combines photography, sculpture, and installation in fascinating landscape works
2 minute read
Planetary Collective produced a short film documenting astronauts’ life-changing stories of seeing the Earth from the outside – a perspective-altering experience often described as the Overview Effect.
Google Plus is a nascent but growing music discovery platform
3 minute read
Retreating ice unveils mineral treasures
1 minute read
TED's internationally-focused flagship event announces its thought-provoking theme
2 minute read
Recycle Across America looks to make recycling as automatic as stopping at a red light
7 minute read
Is this what a vision quest looks like?
2 minute read
SHFT Advisor Gary Hirshberg on why the American food system needs to label genetically modified foods
7 minute read
From City Kitchen, a versatile baked fennel dish that delights and surprises
4 minute read
Beautiful collage video documents a couple's travels around the globe