
Country moves to make natural-gas fired plants the new clean-power standard.
1 minute read
U.S. Supreme Court decision clears path for genetically modified alfalfa.
2 minute read
Move follows plastic bag prohibitions by several Californian cities.
2 minute read
World's fastest hybrid picks up fares in Rome.
1 minute read
Idaho lounge becomes first restaurant in continental US to practice vermicomposting.
1 minute read
Progressive regulations will eliminate most fast food packaging from the landfill.
4 minute read
On Earth Day 's 40th anniversary, John Kerry warns that climate change is the environment's biggest hurdle yet.
2 minute read
Wood Turner, head of Climate Counts, discusses the relationship between the media and the environment.
1 minute read
A Polish architecture firm's visionary concept for a net-zero skyscraper.
1 minute read
Global forest loss slowed over the past decade, with less logging in the Amazon and widespread tree planting in China.
2 minute read